Result 1: Prototype of AI-based software plug-ins for self-diagnosis of faults and energy waste in building installations. 

πŸ“– Report: D 1.01 Real time implementation of part of the 4S3F method in two living labs

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πŸŽ₯  Webinar

πŸ“– Report: D 1.04 a Expansion of the method:  impact of prior and conditionals probablities  in DBN

πŸ“– Report: D 1.04 b Expansion of the method: additional data from building management in DBN/expert knowledge

πŸ“– Report: D 1.05 a Extension of the 4S3F HVAC B28 framework for identifying undefined end-user use and poor indoor climate quality

πŸ“– Report: D 1.05 b Extension of the 4S3F AHU framework for identifying undefined end-user use and poor indoor climate quality analyzing subject live data

πŸ“– Report: D 1.05 c Extension of the 4S3F framework for identifying suboptimal controls in energy-flexible buildings (Controls)

Result 2: Prototypes of smart software plugins for symptom detection, fault diagnosis and predictive condition-based maintenance

πŸ“– Report: D 1.07 Evaluation Machine Learning algorithms, applying new sensors & possibilities dynamic air conditioning

πŸ“– Report: D 1.08 Machine learning  and other techniques for for FAULT DIAGNOSIS

πŸ“– Report: D 1.10  Overview of existing knowledge and inventory of existing products with potential for application / First software modules for application condition dependent maintenance at sub-system level

Result 3: Open-source energy models for buildings and installations and associated energy buffering and algorithm for forecasting energy demand

O2.1: Open-source and modular energy model of HVAC and electrical installations with buffer options
O2.2: Open-source energy demand and local energy forecasting methods, including forecast accuracy
O2.3: Algorithm for reliable forecasting of energy demand and local energy supply

Result 4: Method and prototype for AI-based software plug-in for real-time control and optimization of energy-flexible installations

πŸ“– Report: D 2.04 | D.2.05 Open high-frequency energy balance model & Flexibility management control system

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πŸ“– Report: D 2.07: Proof-of-principle of selected functions of flexibility management

πŸ“– Report: D 2.08: Open balance software implementation by industrial partners

Result 5: Methodology & data for user-centered approach in smart building control

Result 6: Prototyping of data-driven user-oriented interfaces for a healthy indoor climate, energy efficiency and energy flexibility of the building

O3.6a: Personalized interfaces – healthy and energy efficient buildings for end-users and FMs

O3.6b: Personalized interfaces – energy flexibility – for end users and FMs

πŸ“– Report: D 3.10 Interface guidelines for occupant-centered smart climate control systems

πŸ“– Report: D 3.11 Report on the evaluation of interfaces

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