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Brains for Buildings (B4B)

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Meet our Core Team

Laure Itard

Laure Itard

Scientific Project Coordinator

Rick Kramer

Leader WP1

Pieter Pauwels

Leader WP4

Mirjam Harmelink

Learning Community
Oana Trifan

Oana Trifan

Laure Itard
"With this project, we hope to give the development of smart buildings an important push, so that the technology can ultimately be widely used."
Laure Itard
Professor of Building Energy Epidemiology Department of Management in the Built Environment
Laure Itard
"We will be working with an 'open source' approach in this project, which will allow us to work on scalable and well-integrated systems for the entire installation sector."
Laure Itard
Professor of Building Energy Epidemiology Department of Management in the Built Environment